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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Shasta Darlington
CNN international correspondent
CNNW 09/24/2013
She (Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff) launched a veritable tirade against the United States and the NSA spy program. She accused them of meddling and basically violating the national sovereignty of a friendly nation. She reiterated allegations that the NSA was spying not only on her personal communication but also those of Brazilian citizens top companies and strategic industries. She said, therefore this argument that the United Sates was protecting itself and the world against terrorism just didn't hold water, that it was unacceptable
Shasta Darlington
CNN international correspondent
CNNW 09/24/2013
they (NSA surveillance) were violating human rights and civil liberties. She (Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff) said Brazil is now taking steps to protect its own communications within its own borders, but she also urged the United Nations to step in and take a lead role in doing something similar on the global stage, developing a framework to protect communications from unilateral activities. Not surprisingly president Obama didn't say a single word on this issue
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